Thursday, September 27, 2012


I find this an interesting idea, is it possible for people to have a specific preference for what type of activities they like?
Further more, how would you define the differences between them?   When does something go from being physical to being sedentary?    I would imagine that a certain amount of energy must be exerted for an activity to be physical, however what about if you are on an exercise bike?  You not outside or going anywhere, but you are still doing something physical.

Something else that I wonder about is whether or not being sedentary is really a life choice, a personality or if it is a habit.   What do I mean by this?     
The human body is naturally the body of an athlete, we are made to be supreme long distance runners.  While running the brain release 'feel-good' drugs so as to encourage people to keep running,  we have giant running muscles and the Achilles tendon is great at helping provide lift when running. These are just a few examples of why people can and should all be great runners if not athletes.  
And this is not to mention that while certain sedentary activities are fun,  it is often more fun to do something physical, such as playing a sport. 

So what do I see myself as?
I'm not sure, because there are many different activities that I like to do that fall into either categories.   At the moment however, I feel more physical then sedentary.   That doesn't mean that I am not sedentary at all, rather, I would prefer going out and playing a sport with friends then sitting in front of the computer all day.     Not that there aren't any advantages to being sedentary.  You can't learn interesting facts about things if you are constantly outside. Therefore in the end, I guess I am a mixture of sedentary and physical.  

Monday, September 10, 2012

This is something that I would like to keep a hold of.  I believe that it demonstrates the potential that humanity can achieve. And while I don't believe that this is possible with the Earth's current leadership, (That being small scale, short range leadership goals that are so often made by politicians and other powerful members of society.) I do believe that if we wanted it bad enough we could do it.
Also, something to note is that the annual military budget for the world is something like 2.1 trillion US dollars.     Therefore, if you don't account for set backs and all of the other things that could go wrong, then your looking at something like 3/4's of the world's yearly military budget. Granted it would take 480 plus years, but the result would be a planet that humanity could call home, which is not our birth planet.
Anyways, just something I'd thought I'd share, I do not own the picture in any way, shape or form.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

This is the blog I have started for english class.  Right now it is not much, however I hope that given time, it will  begin to reflect my personality and interests.   I believe it will be something that I can do work on and add things to, and then later on when a number of years have passed I will be able to look back on my past musings and work and think about what my life was like then.  Or should I say now? 
Anyways, thats beside the point... I don't  have much to say right now, so I guess I should go do something 'productive'.